In A Survey To Determine The Reaction Of Poeple Having A New Gsis Card 80% Of The 2400 Voted In Favor Of The New Card. How Many Did Not Vote For The N

In a survey to determine the reaction of poeple having a new GSIS card 80% of the 2400 voted in favor of the new card. How many did not vote for the new card?


480 people

Step-by-step explanation:

We know that 80% were in favor of the new card which means that the remaining 20% were not in favor or did not vote for the new card.

Converting 20% to decimal, we get 0.2.

Now we just multiply it to the total number of people who voted which is 2400.

So, 2400 x 0.2 = 480 people.

Hope it helps!



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